Thursday, December 1, 2011

Liquid roof; A good choice for cover problems

Damage caused by Hurricane all types of ceilings are often quite large and unusual zane for me. Changes in building codes and guidelines of the project. New solutions to the problems of increase of wind are the introduction of what allows the creation of owners and spécificateurs design and construction of a standard very tough and, above all, low ceilings, regardless of the location of the building. The roof is the most important building of the investment, then they must solve the problems of rooftops without delay.

The roof coating is available in a wide range of materials and colors, each adapted for different styles of blankets. Certain types of liquid rubber flexible roof cover, elastomers, coatings, acrylic-coated, aggressive, Eternabond webseal. Although some are roof, elastomeric coatings are another acrylic resin. If beaming to the roof, can be modified according to your roof consists of a material. For example, bituminous roof coatings will be more adhesives for wood and metal roof coating can be done from the rooftop terrace or bituminous elastomer. Depending on the climate that exists and its roof and construction (residential and commercial) to adapt the lining of the roof your roof.

The origins of the cold liquid roof coatings, as we know it today started in the 1970s. Since its creation have been tested and has proven to be effective repair materials in most wodoodpornej of the specification, including the use of concrete, covered with felt, asphalt, asbestos and curved veneer sheets.

Products can be used in transition, feature, balconies and roof tops. The fluid is used, these paintings are very versatile.

The rubber is liquid, which can be applied directly to the surface of metal roofs. In some cases, you can use for a mild rust liquid silicone rubber without the use of paper. Liquid rubber roof coverings are not like products of water can be achieved with a thickness of the layer. Other advantages are that liquid rubber needs surfacers or performance of solid color and clear coats and can be used with the spray, brush or roller, extended with a standard. The only requirement to use gum liquid should be clean, free of dust and rubble. This means that the roof coating dry cleaning and apple before. To allow the drying of the coating manufacturer's instructions.

Important factors influencing sustainability are complex and related to the chemical composition of liquid ingredients, thickness and the type and density of the frame.

It is essential for the long-term success of sealing systems and to prepare the ground for the creation of the necessary film thickness.

Increase roof longevity with a cool shell material, can prevent a large amount of blankets. There are about 11 million tons of asphalt covered wastes in landfills each year. With a cool shell, you can significantly increase the roofing materials and reduce the snatching of the swimming pool on the landfill of waste. Lining of waste can be recycled that remained in the compound on the road using existing processes already in operation.

Coating of ceilings of the liquid, which is the inverted roof wodoodpornej layer must not require replacement during the life of the building, which is fully protected against UV rays and extreme temperature variations above him charge layer.

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